How do you cull an astonishing collection of art into a brief snapshot? How do you capture the breathtaking assortment of historic images from a battle on the Hudson River to the side-wheel steamer Connecticut? With artists as varied as Charles Raleigh, Dominic Serres, Hendricks Hallett, and Milton Burns, the collection of classic paintings at Mystic Seaport is one of America’s greatest treasures. The events depicted range from the sublime dawn of “Boston Harbor at Low Tide” to the majestic five-masted schooner Jennie DuBois, which at time of launch in 1902, was the largest vessel ever built on the Mystic River. Certainly everyone has a favorite among the many works of art in the collection, but one that seems to capture the lure of the sea for so many is the Milton Burns painting of nine men in a boat with nets. Like those heading down to sea today, they were “Waiting for the Fish to School!”