Captain James F. Smith. Mystic Seaport Accession Number 1939.1295

Mark Twain and the Whaling Captain

Captain James Smith left whaling to become a packet captain and a foil for Mark Twain. The painting seen below depicts Captain James F. Smith of New London, one of five brothers who were whaling captains out of that port….

Make a Messenger Bag – Virtual Learning

Make a messenger bag or purse using traditional sailor’s skills! This class, taught by Nathan Adams, will teach traditional sailmaking, sewing, and rope work skills to craft a shoulder bag. Age Recommendation: Age 10 – Adult

The Museum’s eastern-rig dragger ROANN, built in 1944, is one of the last surviving examples of the fishing vessels that replaced sailing schooners like the L.A. DUNTON. Draggers completed the revolutionary advance from sail to engine, and from hooks to nets, in New England fishing technology. ROANN is powered by a diesel engine and dragging a large conical fishnet called an otter trawl along the seabed. ROANN and her crew of three could catch cod and haddock twice as fast as dorymen from a vessel like the DUNTON.

Guess the Vessel At Mystic Seaport Museum

Did you guess right? In our “Guess the Vessel” game we will be sharing a blurred photo of one of our vessels on our social profiles, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. See how well you know the vessels at Mystic Seaport…

Tool Sharpening, Part 3 – Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning Join Museum shipwright Chris Sanders to explore the fundamentals of sharpening different hand tools. This session will focus on sharpening different types of knives. Age Recommendation: High School – Adult